
    bilinçaltınız neye takıntılı testi

    şey çıkacak diye tahmin ettiğim ama çözünce bilgi çıkan test. (bkz: knowledge) Your subconscious is obsessed with knowledge! The pictures you have selected suggest that you have one the most curious minds we have ever seen! Your subconscious is always looking for something new to learn, new sights to see, practically anything that would give a nice exercise session to that big brain of yours, and help you advance in life. You are a very passionate and patient person, and that combination helps you to truly immerse yourself in a subject without feeling the need for 'Quick Fixes' or feeling bored. Keep it up, you have a lot to learn! tahmin ettiğim sonuç çıkmamasına rağmen çıkan sonuca hak vermeden edemedim. gayet doğru yani. gülücük.
    1herkese seks çıkıyor dedim acaba yanlış testi mi çözüyorum. ayni sonuç görmek sevindirdi jdhdhhdhdhd - space 09.07.2021 21:35:45 |#4206988
    1:)) - kıpçak bey 09.07.2021 22:18:12 |#4207012
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