    1. 2
      nothing can come between you and i
      1did you mean about me? or someone else? - tantuni sultan süleyman 30.03.2017 22:51:54 |#3059794
      0kesin bir yanlışlık yaptım ama olsun :) - tantuni sultan süleyman 30.03.2017 22:52:11 |#3059272
      1ı mean you. :) ben de yapmadım inşallah. - karanfilkokuyorcigaram 30.03.2017 22:54:39 |#3059652
      butun yorumlari goster (6)
    2. 9
      the bomb has been planted
      1c1 .d - illy 30.04.2017 17:55:13 |#3266290
      0ah cs günlerim - minikpolis 28.01.2021 02:53:55 |#4094150
    3. 4
      im not in danger im the danger (bkz: breaking bad)
    4. 2
    5. 2
      everybody wants to go heaven but nobody wants to die.
    6. 4
      so far away but still so near
    7. 2
      live fast die young
    8. 0
      what are you doing noob
      0noob degıl de sona bitch daha gercekci olurdu sanırım kulaklarım çınladı bitch ıle okuyunca:d - behzatc 30.03.2017 23:10:55 |#3063757
    9. 1
      there is always hope
    10. 0
      never look back
    11. 0
      i wish ı were a fish in your dish
    12. 5
      for sale: baby shoes, never worn
    13. 1
      kırdın beni gaddemmit :(
    14. 1
      what the f.ck is going on there?
    15. 0
      if you give up on your dreams, whats left?
    16. 7
      all we need is just a little lahmacun..
      2lahmacun is love ...lahmacun is life 😍😊 - sparrow 04.04.2017 17:52:48 |#3173674
    17. 0
      when people see good,they expect to good
    18. 1
      stand out the edge of the earth
    19. 2
      one way or another..
    20. 0
      i feel good nınınıını zaguu zaguuu
    21. 4
      be the best, fuck the rest
    22. 3
      my english finished.
    23. 1
      say my name
      6yalazer - witcher pitcher 04.04.2017 22:22:36 |#3583686
    24. 1
      you gonna die
    25. 1
      sordum yellow flowersa mother father var mıdır
      0sözlüğe ilkokullular alınıyodu mu - fight4freedom 04.04.2017 19:37:39 |#3183001
      0boş yapma kardeş hadi bi git. eksilemiş bi de 😂 - pandalaraşkına 04.04.2017 19:42:58 |#3183305
    26. 2
      someday this pain will be useful.
    27. 2
      look at all the fucks i give
      0i cant see any? - jaehaerys 04.04.2017 19:39:23 |#3183002
    28. 0
      you slowly killing yourself
    29. 0
      ıf you want, you can do it.
    30. 1
      can't live for tomorrow.
    31. 0
      to be or not to be
    32. 0
      death is what you call death i smile i have seen life for you yani ölüm ölüm dediğin nedir ki gülüm ben senin için yaşamayı göze almışım
      1polat reis - hepinizdentiksiniyorum 13.04.2017 21:38:12 |#3513500
    33. 0
      başlığı görünce aklımda hav ar yu ne var yu, sözcükleri belirdi, sorry.
    34. 1
      0c'mon - laiklique 04.04.2017 20:13:56 |#3186142
      0komon - mandalinakokusu 04.04.2017 20:15:42 |#3185838
    35. 1
      be dissatisfied
    36. 0
      have are you? fine thanks and you? (kardeş ingiliççemiz bu kadar)
    37. 1
      everyone dies alone. but if you mean something to someone, if you help someone, or love someone. if even a single person remembers you. then maybe, you never really die at all. -person of i̇nterest türkçe çevirisini de yapayım;herkes yalnız ölür ama birisi için anlam ifade edersen,birine yardım edersen ya da seversen ve tek bir insan bile seni hatırlarsa.i̇şte o zaman belki gerçekten ölmemişsindir.
    38. 0
      good things mostly happen unexpectedly
    39. 0
      i believe in yolu believe in we believe in in la ilahe illallah la ilaha illallah
    40. 0
      no reason to stay is a good reason to go
    41. 2
      little little into the middle
    42. 0
      i dont give a fuck. kanal d çevirisi : umrumda değil tureng çevirisi : s2mden aşağı kasımpaşa
    43. 0
      fuck off !
    44. 0
      i will fuck your wife
    45. -1
      nereye birakacagim söylenmemiş masaya bırakıyorum ben
    46. 4
      what happened fiona?
    47. 0
      save water, drink votka
    48. 0
      never give up.
    49. 0
      i dont speak english
    50. 1
      when it comes to love, ı mean real love, the best thing is just to be yourself.